Rule the Web!

Rule-based Adaptive User Experience (β)

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Rule The Web! Take it! Use It!

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Consider Mary a student searching for entertainment: when she navigates the web is looking for related information to things she already discovered. But typically she will have to perform a new search and choose from the many web sites offered as result. When she installed RuleTheWeb!™ for Firefox she just found a different way to discover all kinds of relevant content such as music, movies, stories, related information, and so on. RuleTheWeb!™ added personalization and semantics into her browsing experience. It's fun!


  • An avatar announcing new information when is discovered
  • Continuous learning algorithm to improve your navigation experience

RuleTheWeb!™ requires an up to date version of  Firefox.

Install RuleTheWeb!

empowered by Semantics

RuleTheWeb!™ is a Semantic Web application. Using the meaning of Web content and user preferences it creates new connections for readers. RuleTheWeb!™ uses a combination of rules, web services and analysis algorithms towards an unique browsing experience. As much as many people use it as much you will experience better results. After more than 10 years of research, the Semantic Web established results translate fast to various technologies. Mainstream Semantic Web applications will likely increase and have a fundamental impact on the World Wide Web. Others will become obsolete. and the Facebook Open Graph are bringing metadata on the Web large-scale and new ideas will emerge. Among other Web technologies, RuleTheWeb!™ makes use of: HTML5, RDFa Lite, Microdata,  RDF, Rule reasoning on the Web,  and Facebook Open Graph.

RuleTheWeb!™ is powered by getSchema,  Microdata2RDF service.

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